
Ballantine Trail



We planned this hike last week when the weather report said it would be in the low 70's, but that forecast went by the wayside. Today it will be in the mid 80's with no clouds and nice wind gusts. But since it's the only day on which we had no conflicts we decided to do it anyway. So, packing food and lots of water we headed to the trailhead.

The first part of the hike is along Pine Creek Loop Trail which connects to Ballantine Trail. For a hike so close to home it is in great shape and rarely used. Much of it climbs up with beautiful views and a plethora of Saguaro Cactus. We decided to only go in about 4 miles and then head back. Since it is St. Patty's Day we felt the necessity of a cold brew and corned beef.

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Pine Creek Loop Trail Sign
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Always a discussion before getting started, although Ruby is ready to go
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The entire trail had great scenery. Everywhere you looked there were cacti, rocks, and blo
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This trail shot gives a nice view of how the wet winter has made the desert very green and
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Lots and lots of Saguaro Cactus everywhere you look
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That bubbling stream is Pine Creek.
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A nice shot of the cactus and rock formations along the way.
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Just an artsy shot of the sun peeking out behind a Saguaro
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On to the Ballantine Trail
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A nice shot of an ocotillo cactus, a couple barrel cacti, and some great rocks.
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Obligatory "she's lost" shot
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Just some interesting rocks we saw along the way.
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Ruby resting on the cool grass in the shade. A lovely pose
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A great family portrait. Eat your heart our Olan Mills!
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Heading back down the trail so we can toast St. Pat