
Bronze Smith Foundry



The Bronze Smith is in Prescott Valley, Arizona.
It's a family business so the tours are done by the owners.
They designed the building to showcase the bronzing process.

It's very complicated and once you see it you understand why a bronze piece is so expensive.
The pieces on display in their shop are just a small portion of what they have, but you get a pretty good idea from these.

We were lucky to be there on a day they did a pour of bronze into molds.

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This bronze totem sits outside the shop
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Some of the bronzes lining the hall
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A few of the pieces for sale in the shop
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These are some molds from existing pieces
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This artist is making a clay statue that will be used as the from for her bronze piece
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He is spreading wax on a stone form. The was mold will be used to cast the bronze
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This man is adding some touches to a piece, like rope, reins for a horse, feathers, etc. They keep track of exactly what is on each piece
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She is cleaning a finished piece. The man in black in back is the artist Jack Walker. He was such fun to talk with
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These are some wax molds that will be filled with the silica- sand which will hold the liquid bronze
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It's hard to see but there are some forms hanging there drying
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This kiln holds the crucible full of molten bronze. Those are bronze ingots to the left
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These guys are retrieving the crucible in preparation for a pour. Look like volcanologists don't they?
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Oh ya. That's a hot crucible. We could feel the heat outside
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They'll lift the crucible up and pour the bronze into the molds
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Here they're pouring the bronze
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The crucible has to cleaned out after each pour.
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These are silica-sand molds with cooled bronzees inside. The molds will be broken away to reveal the bronze piece